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ImiSight for Oil & Gas

Oil and Gas is transported on-shore over immense areas in pipes that at many global locations are vulnerable to criminal or terrorist acts, and natural disaster damages.

In order to ensure the protection, security, and serviceability of the pipelines in a challenging environment including both urban and rural terrain there is a need to monitor vast areas periodically and systematically.


The ImiSight solution enables sophisticated monitoring from various sensors along with automatic generation of alerts from all sensors, enabling customers' operations teams to manage incidents in the best and most efficient way.

ImiSight is a cloud-based solution which can be provided as a service, which does not require any upfront investment in hardware by the customer.

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Trucks Detection Close to Leak detection

Multi Sensor Tracking & Analysis

Product Description

ImiSight is an innovative cloud-based system that leverages cutting-edge technologies and advanced algorithms to deliver actionable insights in the field. It effectively caters to the entire mission cycle, offering a range of capabilities such as periodic mission planning, multi-source collection, comprehensive analysis as a service, tailored product creation, and real-time distribution.


Customers have the flexibility to define extensive analysis missions based on intelligence queries, as well as geographical and operational parameters. ImiSight seamlessly integrates these inputs to provide accurate and relevant results, empowering customers to make informed decisions.

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